Required Files: None
This script will make sure CloudBerry is there and optionally;
– Alert if not found
– Alert if backup failed
– Alert if no backups scheduled
Schedule this at a similar schedule to your backups, if you have a daily backup, you should probably run this daily.
Import-Module $env:SyncroModule # Get these 2 values from this page; $whitelabelCompanyName = "Your Company" $whitelabelProductName = "Your Backup App" $alertIfCloudBerryNotFound = "Yes" $alertIfNothingScheduled = "Yes" $alertIfLastBackupFailed = "Yes" $tmpFile = "C:\temp\cbboutput.txt" ############################### NO NEED TO EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ######################################## $pathToExe = "C:\Program Files\$whitelabelCompanyName\$whitelabelProductName\cbb.exe" #### Find cbb.exe ##### FIXME #$cbbDir = (Get-Childitem –Path "C:\Program Files" -Include "cbb.exe" -File -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).directoryname #write-host "CloudBerry Detected at $cloudberryDirectory" if (Test-Path -Path $pathToExe) { Write-Host "cbb.exe found - continuing" } else { Write-Host "cbb.exe NOT FOUND - bailing out!" if ($alertIfCloudBerryNotFound -eq 'Yes'){ Rmm-Alert -Category 'cloudberry_missing' -Body "CloudBerry was not found on this computer in $pathToExe" } exit } & cmd /c $pathToExe plan -l > $tmpFile 2>&1 gc $tmpFile $output = gc $tmpFile ############ SAMPLE OUTPUT ################ # YOUR WHITELABEL COMPANY Desktop/Server (File Backup) Edition Command Line Interface started # Existing plans list: # 1. Name: 'My Documents Backup - predefined plan (includes My Pictures)' # ID: 2279323b-a82a-4892-b785-eb847b1c161f # Last result: Success # 2. Name: 'My Internet Bookmarks backup - predefined plan' # ID: c41df043-79ff-4943-94d6-8a8ad3920603 # Last result: Never started # 3. Name: 'My Pictures Backup - predefined plan' # ID: 3be466bc-3c3c-4c61-a038-1583724c7bb9 # Last result: Never started ## Write out details of all defined plans to our logfiles here ## [regex]$regex = '\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+' $regex.Matches($output) | foreach-object { # these are the plan IDs ^ #cbb.exe getBackupPlanDetails -id planID $planDetails = (& cmd /c $pathToExe getBackupPlanDetails -id $_.Value 2>&1) write-host $_.Value } ## Try to get Success and Fails - ignore Never Started $plans = ($output | select-string -pattern "Last result" -Context 2,0) $scheduledPlans = 0 ForEach ($plan in $plans){ write-host "PLAN FOUND: $plan" $neverRan = $plan | select-string -pattern "Last result:" | select-string -pattern "Never" $succeeded = $plan | select-string -pattern "Last result:" | select-string -pattern "Success" $failed = $plan | select-string -pattern "Last result:" | select-string -pattern "Fail" if ($neverRan){ write-host "PLAN NEVER RAN" } elseif ($succeeded) { $scheduledPlans = $scheduledPlans+1 write-host "SUCCEEDED!!" } elseif ($failed) { $scheduledPlans = $scheduledPlans+1 write-host "FAILED!!!!@#" if ($alertIfLastBackupFailed -eq "Yes"){ Rmm-Alert -Category 'cloudberry_backup_failure' -Body "CloudBerry Plan Last Status: Failed - $plan" } } } if ($scheduledPlans -eq 0 -And $alertIfNothingScheduled -eq 'Yes'){ Rmm-Alert -Category 'cloudberry_no_tasks' -Body "CloudBerry is here but has no scheduled Backups!" } ## CLEANUP ## remove-item -path $tmpFile |