Required Files: None
Install Dell SupportAssist if not already installed.
Import-Module $env:SyncroModule # Silent Install Dell Support Assist # # Path for the workdir $workdir = "c:\temp\" $DellSAInstalled = Test-Path -Path "C:\Program Files\Dell\SupportAssistAgent" If ($DellSAInstalled){ Write-Host "Installed!" } ELSE { Write-Host "Doing the installation first" # Check if work directory exists if not create it If (Test-Path -Path $workdir -PathType Container){ Write-Host "$workdir already exists" -ForegroundColor Red } ELSE { New-Item -Path $workdir -ItemType directory } # Download the installer $source = "" $destination = "$workdir\SupportAssistInstaller.exe" # Check if Invoke-Webrequest exists otherwise execute WebClient if (Get-Command 'Invoke-Webrequest'){ Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $destination } else { $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $webclient.DownloadFile($source, $destination) } # Start the installation Start-Process -FilePath "$workdir\SupportAssistInstaller.exe" -ArgumentList "/S" Write-Host "Doing the installation first" } |