Required Files: None
This script will pull Dell warranty info from the Dell API. You do need a Dell API Key to get this working.
#script credit to #Couple things that need improvement #Probably need to put a random time function to spread these lookups over a few minutes if running on a lot of systems at the same time #Put in a check before execution that the machine is actually a dell and stop if not a dell #Appears some warranties won't be read cleanly in the warrantytype. Need some more tlc there and to break out initial and extended warranty sections. Import-Module $env:SyncroModule $APIKey = "YourKeyHere" $ServiceTag = $(Get-WmiObject -Class "Win32_Bios").SerialNumber $URI = "${ServiceTag}?apikey=${APIKey}" $Request = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -Method GET $Warranties = $Request.AssetWarrantyResponse.assetentitlementdata | where {$_.ServiceLevelDescription -NE 'Dell Digitial Delivery' -and $_.ServiceLevelDescription -NE 'Collect and Return Support'} $AssetDetails = $Request.AssetWarrantyResponse.assetheaderdata $EndDate = $Request.AssetWarrantyResponse.assetentitlementdata | where {$_.ServiceLevelDescription -NE 'Dell Digitial Delivery' -and $_.ServiceLevelDescription -NE 'Collect and Return Support'} | select -expand EndDate $EndDateD = $EndDate.split("T") | select -First 1 $StartDate = $Request.AssetWarrantyResponse.assetentitlementdata | where {$_.ServiceLevelDescription -NE 'Dell Digitial Delivery' -and $_.ServiceLevelDescription -NE 'Collect and Return Support'} | select -expand StartDate $StartDateC = $StartDate.split("T") | select -Last 2 $StartDated = $StartDateC.split("T") | select -First 1 $Support = $Request.AssetWarrantyResponse.assetentitlementdata | where {$_.ServiceLevelDescription -NE 'Dell Digitial Delivery' -and $_.ServiceLevelDescription -NE 'Collect and Return Support'} | select -expand ServiceLevelDescription $Device = $Request.AssetWarrantyResponse.ProductHeaderData | select -expand SystemDescription $Shipped = $Request.AssetWarrantyResponse.AssetHeaderData | select -expand ShipDate $ShippedD = $Shipped.split("T") | select -SkipLast 1 Set-Asset-Field -Subdomain "YourSyncroSubdomainHere" -Name "WarrantyStartDate" -Value $StartDateD Set-Asset-Field -Subdomain "YourSyncroSubdomainHere" -Name "WarrantyEndDate" -Value $EndDateD Set-Asset-Field -Subdomain "YourSyncroSubdomainHere" -Name "WarrantyType" -Value $Support Write-Host "This machine's warranty started: $StartDateD" Write-host "This machine's warranty ends: $EndDateD" Write-Host "The support Level is: $Support" |