Required Files: None
Gathers the name, location, update status, real time protection status, and product state of any installed Antivirus.
function Get-LHSAntiVirusProduct { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the status of Antivirus Product on local and Remote Computers. .DESCRIPTION It works with MS Security Center and detects the status for most AV products. Note that this script will only work on Windows XP SP2, Vista, 7, 8.x, 10 operating systems as Windows Servers does not have the required WMI SecurityCenter\SecurityCenter(2) name spaces. .PARAMETER ComputerName The computer name(s) to retrieve the info from. .EXAMPLE Get-LHSAntiVirusProduct ComputerName : Localhost Name : Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 für Windows ProductExecutable : C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows SP1\wmiav.exe DefinitionStatus : UP_TO_DATE RealTimeProtectionStatus : ON ProductState : 266240 .EXAMPLE Get-LHSAntiVirusProduct –ComputerName PC1,PC2,PC3 ComputerName : PC1 Name : Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 für Windows ProductExecutable : C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows SP1\wmiav.exe DefinitionStatus : UP_TO_DATE RealTimeProtectionStatus : ON ProductState : 266240 (..) .EXAMPLE (get-content PClist.txt) | Get-LHSAntiVirusProduct .INPUTS System.String, you can pipe ComputerNames to this Function .OUTPUTS Custom PSObjects .NOTE WMI query to get anti-virus information has been changed. Pre-Vista clients used the root/SecurityCenter namespace, while Post-Vista clients use the root/SecurityCenter2 namespace. But not only the namespace has been changed, The properties too. More info at and from this MSDN Blog AUTHOR: Pasquale Lantella LASTEDIT: 23.06.2016 KEYWORDS: Antivirus Version :1.1 History :1.1 support for Win 10, changed the use of WMI productState .LINK WSC_SECURITY_PRODUCT_STATE enumeration .LINK Windows Security Center .LINK #Requires -Version 2.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Alias('CN')] [String[]]$ComputerName=$env:computername ) BEGIN { Set-StrictMode -Version Latest ${CmdletName} = $Pscmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name } # end BEGIN PROCESS { ForEach ($Computer in $computerName) { IF (Test-Connection -ComputerName $Computer -count 2 -quiet) { Try { [system.Version]$OSVersion = (Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem -computername $Computer).version IF ($OSVersion -ge [system.version]'') { Write-Verbose "OS Windows Vista/Server 2008 or newer detected." $AntiVirusProduct = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\SecurityCenter2 -Class AntiVirusProduct -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction Stop } Else { Write-Verbose "Windows 2000, 2003, XP detected" $AntiVirusProduct = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\SecurityCenter -Class AntiVirusProduct -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction Stop } # end IF ($OSVersion -ge 6.0) <# it appears that if you convert the productstate to HEX then you can read the 1st 2nd or 3rd block to get whether product is enabled/disabled and whether definitons are up-to-date or outdated #> $productState = $AntiVirusProduct.productState # convert to hex, add an additional '0' left if necesarry #$hex = [Convert]::ToString($productState, 16).PadLeft(6,'0') $hex = [convert]::ToString($productState[0], 16).PadLeft(6,'0') # Substring(int startIndex, int length) $WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER = $hex.Substring(0,2) $WSC_SECURITY_PRODUCT_STATE = $hex.Substring(2,2) $WSC_SECURITY_SIGNATURE_STATUS = $hex.Substring(4,2) #n ot used yet $SECURITY_PROVIDER = switch ($WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER) { 0 {"NONE"} 1 {"FIREWALL"} 2 {"AUTOUPDATE_SETTINGS"} 4 {"ANTIVIRUS"} 8 {"ANTISPYWARE"} 16 {"INTERNET_SETTINGS"} 32 {"USER_ACCOUNT_CONTROL"} 64 {"SERVICE"} default {"UNKNOWN"} } $RealTimeProtectionStatus = switch ($WSC_SECURITY_PRODUCT_STATE) { "00" {"OFF"} "01" {"EXPIRED"} "10" {"ON"} "11" {"SNOOZED"} default {"UNKNOWN"} } $DefinitionStatus = switch ($WSC_SECURITY_SIGNATURE_STATUS) { "00" {"UP_TO_DATE"} "10" {"OUT_OF_DATE"} default {"UNKNOWN"} } <# # Switch to determine the status of antivirus definitions and real-time protection. # The values in this switch-statement are retrieved from the following website: switch ($AntiVirusProduct.productState) { #AVG Internet Security 2012 (from antivirusproduct WMI) "262144" {$defstatus = "Up to date" ;$rtstatus = "Disabled"} "266240" {$defstatus = "Up to date" ;$rtstatus = "Enabled"} "262160" {$defstatus = "Out of date" ;$rtstatus = "Disabled"} "266256" {$defstatus = "Out of date" ;$rtstatus = "Enabled"} "393216" {$defstatus = "Up to date" ;$rtstatus = "Disabled"} "393232" {$defstatus = "Out of date" ;$rtstatus = "Disabled"} "393488" {$defstatus = "Out of date" ;$rtstatus = "Disabled"} "397312" {$defstatus = "Up to date" ;$rtstatus = "Enabled"} "397328" {$defstatus = "Out of date" ;$rtstatus = "Enabled"} #Windows Defender "393472" {$defstatus = "Up to date" ;$rtstatus = "Disabled"} "397584" {$defstatus = "Out of date" ;$rtstatus = "Enabled"} "397568" {$defstatus = "Up to date" ;$rtstatus = "Enabled"} default {$defstatus = "Unknown" ;$rtstatus = "Unknown"} } #> # Output PSCustom Object $AV = $Null $AV = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -ErrorAction Stop -Property @{ ComputerName = $AntiVirusProduct.__Server; Name = $AntiVirusProduct.displayName; ProductExecutable = $AntiVirusProduct.pathToSignedProductExe; DefinitionStatus = $DefinitionStatus; RealTimeProtectionStatus = $RealTimeProtectionStatus; ProductState = $productState; } | Select-Object ComputerName,Name,ProductExecutable,DefinitionStatus,RealTimeProtectionStatus,ProductState Write-Output $AV } Catch { Write-Error "\\$Computer : WMI Error" Write-Error $_ } } Else { Write-Warning "\\$computer DO NOT reply to ping" } # end IF (Test-Connection -ComputerName $Computer -count 2 -quiet) } # end ForEach ($Computer in $computerName) } # end PROCESS END { Write-Verbose "Function Get-LHSAntiVirusProduct finished." } } # end function Get-LHSAntiVirusProduct Get-LHSAntiVirusProduct |