Required Files: None
Install Jumpcloud Agent.
Note: Insert Connect Key for Company under Line 20
<# .SYNOPSIS Repairs an installation of the JumpCloud Windows agent .DESCRIPTION Uninstalls any existing installations, and cleans up any remaining cruft, and reinstalls the agent. .NOTES Name: FixWindowsAgent.ps1 Author: Date created: 2016-02-08 .LINK .EXAMPLE FixWindowsAgent.ps1 #> # # Update with your own JumpCloud connect key # $CONNECT_KEY="YOUR_KEY_HERE" $AGENT_PATH="${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\JumpCloud" $AGENT_CONF_FILE="\Plugins\Contrib\jcagent.conf" $AGENT_BINARY_NAME="jumpcloud-agent.exe" $AGENT_SERVICE_NAME="jumpcloud-agent" $AGENT_INSTALLER_URL="" $AGENT_INSTALLER_PATH="$env:TEMP\JumpCloudInstaller.exe" $AGENT_UNINSTALLER_NAME="unins000.exe" $EVENT_LOGGER_KEY_NAME="hklm:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\eventlog\Application\jumpcloud-agent" $INSTALLER_BINARY_NAMES="JumpCloudInstaller.exe,JumpCloudInstaller.tmp" ######################################################################################### # # Agent Installer Funcs # ######################################################################################### Function DownloadAgentInstaller() { (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("${AGENT_INSTALLER_URL}", "${AGENT_INSTALLER_PATH}") } Function AgentInstallerExists() { Test-Path ${AGENT_INSTALLER_PATH} } Function InstallAgent() { $params = ("${AGENT_INSTALLER_PATH}", "-k ${CONNECT_KEY}", "/VERYSILENT", "/NORESTART", "/SUPRESSMSGBOXES", "/NOCLOSEAPPLICATIONS", "/NORESTARTAPPLICATIONS", "/LOG=$env:TEMP\jcUpdate.log") Invoke-Expression "$params" } Function UninstallAgent() { # Due to PowerShell's incredible weakness in dealing with paths containing SPACEs, we need to # to hard-code this path... $params = ('C:\Program?Files??x86?\JumpCloud\unins000.exe', "/VERYSILENT", "/SUPPRESSMSGBOXES") Invoke-Expression "$params" } Function KillInstaller() { try { Stop-Process -processname ${INSTALLER_BINARY_NAMES} -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Error "Could not kill JumpCloud installer processes" } } Function KillAgent() { try { Stop-Process -processname ${AGENT_BINARY_NAME} -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Error "Could not kill running jumpcloud-agent process" } } Function InstallerIsRunning() { try { Get-Process ${INSTALLER_BINARY_NAMES} -ErrorAction Stop $true } catch { $false } } Function AgentIsRunning() { try { Get-Process ${AGENT_BINARY_NAME} -ErrorAction Stop $true } catch { $false } } Function AgentIsOnFileSystem() { Test-Path ${AGENT_PATH}/${AGENT_BINARY_NAME} } Function DeleteAgent() { try { Remove-Item ${AGENT_PATH}/${AGENT_BINARY_NAME} -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Error "Could not remove remaining jumpcloud-agent.exe binary" } } ######################################################################################### # # Service Manager Funcs # ######################################################################################### Function AgentIsInServiceManager() { try { $services = Get-Service -Name "${AGENT_SERVICE_NAME}" -ErrorAction Stop $true } catch { $false } } Function RemoveAgentService() { $service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='${AGENT_SERVICE_NAME}'" if ($service) { try { $service.Delete() } catch { Write-Error "Could not remove jumpcloud-agent service entry" } } } Function RemoveEventLoggerKey() { try { Remove-Item -Path "$EVENT_LOGGER_KEY_NAME" -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Error "Could not remove event logger key from registry" } } ############################################################################################ # # Work functions (uninstall, clean up, and reinstall) # ############################################################################################ Function AgentIsInstalled() { $inServiceMgr = AgentIsInServiceManager $onFileSystem = AgentIsOnFileSystem $inServiceMgr -Or $onFileSystem } Function CheckForAndUninstallExistingAgent() { # # Is the installer running/hung? # if (InstallerIsRunning) { # Yep, kill it KillInstaller Write-Host "Killed running agent installer." } # # Is the agent running/hung? # if (AgentIsRunning) { # Yep, kill it KillAgent Write-Host "Killed running agent binary." } # # Is the agent still fully installed in both the service manager and on the file system? # if (AgentIsInstalled) { # Yep, try a normal uninstall UninstallAgent Write-Host "Completed agent uninstall." } } Function CleanUpAgentLeftovers() { # Remove any remaining event logger key... RemoveEventLoggerKey # # Is the agent still in the service manager? # if (AgentIsInServiceManager) { # Try to remove it, though it probably won't remove because we may in the state # where the service is "marked for deletion" (requires reboot before further # modifications can be done on this service). RemoveAgentService if (AgentIsInServiceManager) { Write-Host "Unable to remove agent service, this system needs to be rebooted." Write-Host "Then you can re-run this script to re-install the agent." exit 1 } Write-Host "Removed agent service entry." } # # Is the agent still on the file system? # if (AgentIsOnFileSystem) { # Yes, the installer was unsuccessful in removing it. DeleteAgent Write-Host "Removed remaining agent binary file." } } ############################################################################################ # # Do a normal agent install, and verify correct installation # ############################################################################################ Function DownloadAndInstallAgent() { $agentIsInstalled = AgentIsInstalled if (-Not $agentIsInstalled) { Write-Host -nonewline "Downloading agent installer..." DownloadAgentInstaller if (AgentInstallerExists) { Write-Host " complete." Write-Host -nonewline "Installing agent..." InstallAgent $exitCode = $? $agentIsInstalled = AgentIsInstalled Write-Host " complete. (exit code=$exitCode)" if ($exitCode -ne $true) { Write-Error "Agent installation failed. Please rerun this script,`nand if that doesn't work, please reboot and try again.`nIf neither work, please contact [email protected]" exit 1 } else { Write-Host "`n* * * SUCCESS! Agent installation complete. * * *" } } else { Write-Error "Could not download agent installer from ${AGENT_INSTALLER_URL}. Install FAILED." exit 1 } } else { Write-Host "Agent is already installed, not installing again." } } CheckForAndUninstallExistingAgent CleanUpAgentLeftovers DownloadAndInstallAgent |