Required Files: None
A script that will check health, availability, and patchability – and then do patches if available.
param( [string]$URL = '', [string]$port = '8443', [string]$User = 'Admin', [string]$Pass = 'PASSWORD', [string]$SiteCode = 'default' #you can enter each site here. This way when you assign the monitoring to a client you edit this to match the correct siteID. ) [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true} [string]$controller = "https://$($URL):$($port)" [string]$credential = "`{`"username`":`"$User`",`"password`":`"$Pass`"`}" try { $null = Invoke-Restmethod -Uri "$controller/api/login" -method post -body $credential -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -SessionVariable myWebSession }catch{ $APIerror = "Api Connection Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" Write-Error $APIerror } #upgradeable? try { $APIResult = Invoke-Restmethod -Uri "$controller/api/s/$SiteCode/stat/device/" -WebSession $myWebSession }catch{ $APIerror = "Query Failed: $($_.Exception.Message)" Write-Error $APIerror } Foreach ($entry in ($ | where-object { $_.upgradable -eq $true})){ $DeviceUpgrade += "Upgrades Available on $($Entry.Name)" } if(!$APIError){ $APIError = "Healthy"} if(!$DeviceUpgrade){ $DeviceUpgrade = "Healthy"} #online? try { $APIResult = Invoke-Restmethod -Uri "$controller/api/s/$SiteCode/stat/device/" -WebSession $myWebSession }catch{ $APIerror = "Query Failed: $($_.Exception.Message)" Write-Error $APIError } Foreach ($entry in ($ | where-object { $_."state" -ne "1"})){ $DeviceState += "Device not connected $($Entry.Name)“ } if(!$APIError){ $APIError = "Healthy"} if(!$DeviceState){ $DeviceState = "Healthy"} #systemhealth try { $APIResult = Invoke-Restmethod -Uri "$controller/api/s/$SiteCode/stat/device/" -WebSession $myWebSession }catch{ $APIerror = "Query Failed: $($_.Exception.Message)" Write-Error $APIError } Foreach ($entry in (${ if( [math]::Round($entry.'system-stats'.cpu) -gt "80.0") { $DeviceHealthCPU += " `n $($ has CPU usage of $($entry.'system-stats'.cpu)%" } if( [math]::Round($entry.'system-stats'.mem) -gt "80.0") { $DeviceHealthMEM += " `n $($ has a memory usage of $($entry.'system-stats'.mem)%" } if( [math]::Round($entry.'system-stats'.uptime) -lt "300") { $DeviceHealthUptime += " `n $($ has an uptime of $($entry.'uptime') seconds" } } if(!$APIError){ $APIError = "Healthy"} if(!$DeviceHealthCPU){ $DeviceHealthCPU = "Healthy"} if(!$DeviceHealthMEM){ $DeviceHealthMEM = "Healthy"} if(!$DeviceHealthUptime){ $DeviceHealthUptime = "Healthy"} #unifigateway Healthy try { $APIResult = Invoke-Restmethod -Uri "$controller/api/s/$SiteCode/stat/device/" -WebSession $myWebSession }catch{ $APIerror = "Query Failed: $($_.Exception.Message)" Write-Error $APIError } Foreach ($entry in ($ | where-object { $_.enable -eq "true"})){ if($entry.up -eq $false) { $WAN1Health = " `n $($ is down" } } Foreach ($entry in ($ | where-object { $_.enable -eq "true"})){ if($entry.up -eq $false) { $WAN2Health = " `n $($ is down" } } if(!$APIError){ $APIError = "Healthy"} if(!$WAN1Health){ $WAN1Health = "Healthy"} if(!$WAN2Health){ $WAN2Health = "Healthy"} #stp ports? try { $APIResult = Invoke-Restmethod -Uri "$controller/api/s/$SiteCode/stat/device/" -WebSession $myWebSession }catch{ $APIerror = "Query Failed: $($_.Exception.Message)" Write-Error $APIError } Foreach ($entry in ($ | where-object { $_.stp_state -match "discard"})){ $STPError += "`n$($ has been blocked due to STP issues." } if(!$APIError){ $APIError = "Healthy"} if(!$STPError){ $STPError = "Healthy"} #TODO - read all the errors and decide which will RMM-Alert |