Required Files: None
This script will force your Syncro Taskbar Icon to show up automatically.
Explorer will restart after running this script.
Since it changes ‘current user’, This script needs to be run as ‘Logged In User’
Adapted from thread – script by Micah Rowland
just made it work for the Syncro Taskbar Icon
<# .DESCRIPTION This powershell will set your Syncro Taskbar Icon to always show It then restarts explorer so the changes take effect. Your client will notice the desktop / menu bar 'flicker' as Explorer restarts. .USAGE .\showtaskbar.ps1 Or copy / paste into script #> $ProgramName = "Syncro.App.Runner.exe" $Setting = 2 $encText = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding [byte[]] $bytRegKey = @() $strRegKey = "" $bytRegKey = $(Get-ItemProperty $(Get-Item 'HKCU:\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\TrayNotify').PSPath).IconStreams for($x=0; $x -le $bytRegKey.Count; $x++) { $tempString = [Convert]::ToString($bytRegKey[$x], 16) switch($tempString.Length) { 0 {$strRegKey += "00"} 1 {$strRegKey += "0" + $tempString} 2 {$strRegKey += $tempString} } } [byte[]] $bytTempAppPath = @() $bytTempAppPath = $encText.GetBytes($ProgramName) [byte[]] $bytAppPath = @() $strAppPath = "" Function Rot13($byteToRot) { if($byteToRot -gt 64 -and $byteToRot -lt 91) { $bytRot = $($($byteToRot - 64 + 13) % 26 + 64) return $bytRot } elseif($byteToRot -gt 96 -and $byteToRot -lt 123) { $bytRot = $($($byteToRot - 96 + 13) % 26 + 96) return $bytRot } else { return $byteToRot } } for($x = 0; $x -lt $bytTempAppPath.Count * 2; $x++) { If($x % 2 -eq 0) { $curbyte = $bytTempAppPath[$([Int]($x / 2))] $bytAppPath += Rot13($curbyte) } Else { $bytAppPath += 0 } } for($x=0; $x -lt $bytAppPath.Count; $x++) { $tempString = [Convert]::ToString($bytAppPath[$x], 16) switch($tempString.Length) { 0 {$strAppPath += "00"} 1 {$strAppPath += "0" + $tempString} 2 {$strAppPath += $tempString} } } if(-not $strRegKey.Contains($strAppPath)) { Write-Host Program not found. Programs are case sensitive. break } [byte[]] $header = @() $items = @{} for($x=0; $x -lt 20; $x++) { $header += $bytRegKey[$x] } for($x=0; $x -lt $(($bytRegKey.Count-20)/1640); $x++) { [byte[]] $item=@() $startingByte = 20 + ($x*1640) $item += $bytRegKey[$($startingByte)..$($startingByte+1639)] $items.Add($startingByte.ToString(), $item) } foreach($key in $items.Keys) { $item = $items[$key] $strItem = "" $tempString = "" for($x=0; $x -le $item.Count; $x++) { $tempString = [Convert]::ToString($item[$x], 16) switch($tempString.Length) { 0 {$strItem += "00"} 1 {$strItem += "0" + $tempString} 2 {$strItem += $tempString} } } if($strItem.Contains($strAppPath)) { Write-Host Item Found with $ProgramName in item starting with byte $key $bytRegKey[$([Convert]::ToInt32($key)+528)] = $setting Set-ItemProperty $($(Get-Item 'HKCU:\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\TrayNotify').PSPath) -name IconStreams -value $bytRegKey ps explorer | kill } } |