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This is based off the example Techsuite script. This adds creating a ticket, adding 15 minutes of time to that ticket, then closing the ticket. You can customize the time it adds to the ticket in the $duration variable.

You will need to upload your TechSuite_console.exe and use it for this script.


<# Enter YOUR subdomain with Syncro MSP
SUBDOMAIN = Change to your subdomain with Syncro
EMAIL = Set up as your email for your account
DURATION = Duration in minutes that you want to record for this process.
$subdomain = "CHANGEME"
$email = "[email protected]"
$duration = 15
$startAt = (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-30).toString("o")
# import module
Import-Module $env:SyncroModule
# Create Ticket Entry
$result = Create-Syncro-Ticket -Subdomain $subdomain -Subject "Routine Maintenance for $env:computername" -IssueType "Other" -Status "New"
write-output $result
$ticket = $result.ticket.number
#Script to run techsuite
$Params = "-r,--procedure,Cleanup,--ticket,$ticket"  # <== Enter paramters here
$ParsedParams = $Params.Split(",")
& "C:\temp\techsuite.exe" $ParsedParams
Create-Syncro-Ticket-TimerEntry -Subdomain $subdomain -TicketIdOrNumber $ticket -StartTime $startat -DurationMinutes $duration -Notes "Automated system performed task." -UserIdOrEmail $email
Update-Syncro-Ticket -Subdomain $subdomain -TicketIdOrNumber $ticket -Status "Resolved"