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Required Files: None

Installs all available Windows Updates


Function Get-WUInstall
		Download and install updates.
		Use Get-WUInstall to get list of available updates, next download and install it. 
		There are two types of filtering update: Pre search criteria, Post search criteria.
		- Pre search works on server side, like example: ( IsInstalled = 0 and IsHidden = 0 and CategoryIds contains '0fa1201d-4330-4fa8-8ae9-b877473b6441' )
		- Post search work on client side after downloading the pre-filtered list of updates, like example $KBArticleID -match $Update.KBArticleIDs
		Update occurs in four stages: 1. Search for updates, 2. Choose updates, 3. Download updates, 4. Install updates.
	.PARAMETER UpdateType
		Pre search criteria. Finds updates of a specific type, such as 'Driver' and 'Software'. Default value contains all updates.
		Pre search criteria. Finds updates of a specific UUID (or sets of UUIDs), such as '12345678-9abc-def0-1234-56789abcdef0'.
	.PARAMETER RevisionNumber
		Pre search criteria. Finds updates of a specific RevisionNumber, such as '100'. This criterion must be combined with the UpdateID param.
		Pre search criteria. Finds updates that belong to a specified category (or sets of UUIDs), such as '0fa1201d-4330-4fa8-8ae9-b877473b6441'.
	.PARAMETER IsInstalled
		Pre search criteria. Finds updates that are installed on the destination computer.
		Pre search criteria. Finds updates that are marked as hidden on the destination computer. Default search criteria is only not hidden upadates.
	.PARAMETER WithHidden
		Pre search criteria. Finds updates that are both hidden and not on the destination computer. Overwrite IsHidden param. Default search criteria is only not hidden upadates.
	.PARAMETER Criteria
		Pre search criteria. Set own string that specifies the search criteria.
	.PARAMETER ShowSearchCriteria
		Show choosen search criteria. Only works for pre search criteria.
	.PARAMETER RootCategories
		Post search criteria. Finds updates that contain a specified root category name 'Critical Updates', 'Definition Updates', 'Drivers', 'Feature Packs', 'Security Updates', 'Service Packs', 'Tools', 'Update Rollups', 'Updates', 'Upgrades', 'Microsoft'
	.PARAMETER Category
		Post search criteria. Finds updates that contain a specified category name (or sets of categories name), such as 'Updates', 'Security Updates', 'Critical Updates', etc...
		Post search criteria. Finds updates that contain a KBArticleID (or sets of KBArticleIDs), such as 'KB982861'.
		Post search criteria. Finds updates that match part of title, such as ''
	.PARAMETER Severity
		Post search criteria. Finds updates that match part of severity, such as 'Important', 'Critical', 'Moderate', etc...
	.PARAMETER NotCategory
		Post search criteria. Finds updates that not contain a specified category name (or sets of categories name), such as 'Updates', 'Security Updates', 'Critical Updates', etc...
		Post search criteria. Finds updates that not contain a KBArticleID (or sets of KBArticleIDs), such as 'KB982861'.
		Post search criteria. Finds updates that not match part of title.
	.PARAMETER NotSeverity
		Post search criteria. Finds updates that not match part of severity.
		Post search criteria. Finds updates that have MaxDownloadSize less or equal. Size is in Bytes.
		Post search criteria. Finds updates that have MaxDownloadSize greater or equal. Size is in Bytes.
	.PARAMETER IgnoreUserInput
		Post search criteria. Finds updates that the installation or uninstallation of an update can't prompt for user input.
	.PARAMETER IgnoreRebootRequired
		Post search criteria. Finds updates that specifies the restart behavior that not occurs when you install or uninstall the update.
		Set ServiceIS to change the default source of Windows Updates. It overwrite ServerSelection parameter value.
	.PARAMETER WindowsUpdate
		Set Windows Update Server as source. Default update config are taken from computer policy.
	.PARAMETER MicrosoftUpdate
		Set Microsoft Update Server as source. Default update config are taken from computer policy.
		Show list of updates only without downloading and installing. Works similar like Get-WUList.
	.PARAMETER DownloadOnly
		Show list and download approved updates but do not install it. 
		Do not ask for confirmation updates. Install all available updates.
	.PARAMETER AutoReboot
		Do not ask for rebbot if it needed.
	.PARAMETER IgnoreReboot
		Do not ask for reboot if it needed, but do not reboot automaticaly. 
	.PARAMETER AutoSelectOnly  
		Install only the updates that have status AutoSelectOnWebsites on true.
	.PARAMETER Debuger	
	    Debug mode.
		Get info about updates that are not require user interaction to install.
		PS C:\> Get-WUInstall -MicrosoftUpdate -IgnoreUserInput -WhatIf -Verbose
		VERBOSE: Connecting to Microsoft Update server. Please wait...
		VERBOSE: Found [39] Updates in pre search criteria
		VERBOSE: Found [5] Updates in post search criteria to Download
		What if: Performing operation "Aktualizacja firmy Microsoft z ekranem wybierania przeglądarki dla użytkowników systemu W
		indows 7 dla systemów opartych na procesorach x64 w Europejskim Obszarze Gospodarczym (KB976002)[1 MB]?" on Target "KOMP
		What if: Performing operation "Aktualizacja dla systemu Windows 7 dla systemów opartych na procesorach x64 (KB971033)[1
		MB]?" on Target "KOMPUTER".
		What if: Performing operation "Aktualizacja systemu Windows 7 dla komputerów z procesorami x64 (KB2533552)[1 MB]?" on Ta
		rget "KOMPUTER".
		What if: Performing operation "Program Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile w systemie Windows 7 dla systemów opart
		ych na procesorach x64 (KB982670)[1 MB]?" on Target "KOMPUTER".
		What if: Performing operation "Narzędzie Windows do usuwania złośliwego oprogramowania dla komputerów z procesorem x64 -
		 grudzień 2011 (KB890830)[1 MB]?" on Target "KOMPUTER".
		X Status     KB          Size Title
		- ------     --          ---- -----
		2 Rejected   KB890830    1 MB Aktualizacja firmy Microsoft z ekranem wybierania przeglądarki dla użytkowników system...
		2 Rejected   KB890830    1 MB Aktualizacja dla systemu Windows 7 dla systemów opartych na procesorach x64 (KB971033)
		2 Rejected   KB890830    1 MB Aktualizacja systemu Windows 7 dla komputerów z procesorami x64 (KB2533552)
		2 Rejected   KB890830    1 MB Program Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile w systemie Windows 7 dla systemów op...
		2 Rejected   KB890830    1 MB Narzędzie Windows do usuwania złośliwego oprogramowania dla komputerów z procesorem x6...
		VERBOSE: Accept [0] Updates to Download
		Get updates from specific source with title contains ".NET Framework 4". Everything automatic accept and install.
		PS C:\> Get-WUInstall -ServiceID 9482f4b4-e343-43b6-b170-9a65bc822c77 -Title ".NET Framework 4" -AcceptAll
		X Status     KB          Size Title
		- ------     --          ---- -----
		2 Accepted   KB982670   48 MB Program Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile w systemie Windows 7 dla systemów op...
		3 Downloaded KB982670   48 MB Program Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile w systemie Windows 7 dla systemów op...
		4 Installed  KB982670   48 MB Program Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile w systemie Windows 7 dla systemów op...
		Get updates with specyfic KBArticleID. Check if type are "Software" and automatic install all.
		PS C:\> $KBList = "KB890830","KB2533552","KB2539636"
		PS C:\> Get-WUInstall -Type "Software" -KBArticleID $KBList -AcceptAll
		X Status     KB          Size Title
		- ------     --          ---- -----
		2 Accepted   KB2533552   9 MB Aktualizacja systemu Windows 7 dla komputerów z procesorami x64 (KB2533552)
		2 Accepted   KB2539636   4 MB Aktualizacja zabezpieczeń dla programu Microsoft .NET Framework 4 w systemach Windows ...
		2 Accepted   KB890830    1 MB Narzędzie Windows do usuwania złośliwego oprogramowania dla komputerów z procesorem x6...
		3 Downloaded KB2533552   9 MB Aktualizacja systemu Windows 7 dla komputerów z procesorami x64 (KB2533552)
		3 Downloaded KB2539636   4 MB Aktualizacja zabezpieczeń dla programu Microsoft .NET Framework 4 w systemach Windows ...
		3 Downloaded KB890830    1 MB Narzędzie Windows do usuwania złośliwego oprogramowania dla komputerów z procesorem x6...	
		4 Installed  KB2533552   9 MB Aktualizacja systemu Windows 7 dla komputerów z procesorami x64 (KB2533552)
		4 Installed  KB2539636   4 MB Aktualizacja zabezpieczeń dla programu Microsoft .NET Framework 4 w systemach Windows ...
		4 Installed  KB890830    1 MB Narzędzie Windows do usuwania złośliwego oprogramowania dla komputerów z procesorem x6...
		Get list of updates without language packs and updatets that's not hidden.
		PS C:\> Get-WUInstall -NotCategory "Language packs" -ListOnly
		X Status KB          Size Title
		- ------ --          ---- -----
		1 ------ KB2640148   8 MB Aktualizacja systemu Windows 7 dla komputerów z procesorami x64 (KB2640148)
		1 ------ KB2600217  32 MB Aktualizacja dla programu Microsoft .NET Framework 4 w systemach Windows XP, Se...
		1 ------ KB2679255   6 MB Aktualizacja systemu Windows 7 dla komputerów z procesorami x64 (KB2679255)
		1 ------ KB915597    3 MB Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition
		Author: Michal Gajda
		Blog  :
		#Pre search criteria
		[ValidateSet("Driver", "Software")]
		#Post search criteria
        [ValidateSet('Critical Updates', 'Definition Updates', 'Drivers', 'Feature Packs', 'Security Updates', 'Service Packs', 'Tools', 'Update Rollups', 'Updates', 'Upgrades', 'Microsoft')]
        [ValidateSet("Critical", "Important", "Moderate", "Low", "Unspecified", "")]
        [ValidateSet("Critical", "Important", "Moderate", "Low", "Unspecified", "")]
		#Connection options
		#Mode options
			$DebugPreference = "Continue"
		} #End If $PSBoundParameters['Debuger']
		$User = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
		$Role = (New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $user).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator)
			Write-Warning "To perform some operations you must run an elevated Windows PowerShell console."	
		} #End If !$Role
		#region	STAGE 0	
		# Start STAGE 0: Prepare environment #
		Write-Debug "STAGE 0: Prepare environment"
			$ListOnly = $true
			Write-Debug "Change to ListOnly mode"
		} #End If $IsInstalled
		Write-Debug "Check reboot status only for local instance"
			$objSystemInfo = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.SystemInfo"	
				Write-Warning "Reboot is required to continue"
					Restart-Computer -Force
				} #End If $AutoReboot
				} #End If !$ListOnly	
			} #End If $objSystemInfo.RebootRequired
		} #End Try
			Write-Warning "Support local instance only, Continue..."
		} #End Catch
		Write-Debug "Set number of stage"
			$NumberOfStage = 2
		} #End $ListOnly
			$NumberOfStage = 3
		} #End Else $ListOnly If $DownloadOnly
			$NumberOfStage = 4
		} #End Else $DownloadOnly
		# End STAGE 0: Prepare environment #
		#region	STAGE 1
		# Start STAGE 1: Get updates list #
		Write-Debug "STAGE 1: Get updates list"
		Write-Debug "Create Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager object"
		$objServiceManager = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager" 
		Write-Debug "Create Microsoft.Update.Session object"
		$objSession = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.Session" 
		Write-Debug "Create Microsoft.Update.Session.Searcher object"
		$objSearcher = $objSession.CreateUpdateSearcher()
			Write-Debug "Set source of updates to Windows Update"
			$objSearcher.ServerSelection = 2
			$serviceName = "Windows Update"
		} #End If $WindowsUpdate
			Write-Debug "Set source of updates to Microsoft Update"
			$serviceName = $null
			Foreach ($objService in $objServiceManager.Services) 
				If($objService.Name -eq "Microsoft Update")
					$objSearcher.ServerSelection = 3
					$objSearcher.ServiceID = $objService.ServiceID
					$serviceName = $objService.Name
				}#End If $objService.Name -eq "Microsoft Update"
			}#End ForEach $objService in $objServiceManager.Services
			If(-not $serviceName)
				Write-Warning "Can't find registered service Microsoft Update. Use Get-WUServiceManager to get registered service."
			}#Enf If -not $serviceName
		} #End Else $WindowsUpdate If $MicrosoftUpdate
			Foreach ($objService in $objServiceManager.Services) 
					If($objService.ServiceID -eq $ServiceID)
						$objSearcher.ServiceID = $ServiceID
						$objSearcher.ServerSelection = 3
						$serviceName = $objService.Name
					} #End If $objService.ServiceID -eq $ServiceID
				} #End If $ServiceID
					If($objService.IsDefaultAUService -eq $True)
						$serviceName = $objService.Name
					} #End If $objService.IsDefaultAUService -eq $True
				} #End Else $ServiceID
			} #End Foreach $objService in $objServiceManager.Services
		} #End Else $MicrosoftUpdate
		Write-Debug "Set source of updates to $serviceName"
		Write-Verbose "Connecting to $serviceName server. Please wait..."
			$search = ""
				$search = $Criteria
			} #End If $Criteria
					$search = "IsInstalled = 1"
					Write-Debug "Set pre search criteria: IsInstalled = 1"
				} #End If $IsInstalled
					$search = "IsInstalled = 0"	
					Write-Debug "Set pre search criteria: IsInstalled = 0"
				} #End Else $IsInstalled
				If($UpdateType -ne "")
					Write-Debug "Set pre search criteria: Type = $UpdateType"
					$search += " and Type = '$UpdateType'"
				} #End If $UpdateType -ne ""					
					Write-Debug "Set pre search criteria: UpdateID = '$([string]::join(", ", $UpdateID))'"
					$tmp = $search
					$search = ""
					$LoopCount = 0
					Foreach($ID in $UpdateID)
						If($LoopCount -gt 0)
							$search += " or "
						} #End If $LoopCount -gt 0
							Write-Debug "Set pre search criteria: RevisionNumber = '$RevisionNumber'"	
							$search += "($tmp and UpdateID = '$ID' and RevisionNumber = $RevisionNumber)"
						} #End If $RevisionNumber
							$search += "($tmp and UpdateID = '$ID')"
						} #End Else $RevisionNumber
					} #End Foreach $ID in $UpdateID
				} #End If $UpdateID
					Write-Debug "Set pre search criteria: CategoryIDs = '$([string]::join(", ", $CategoryIDs))'"
					$tmp = $search
					$search = ""
					$LoopCount =0
					Foreach($ID in $CategoryIDs)
						If($LoopCount -gt 0)
							$search += " or "
						} #End If $LoopCount -gt 0
						$search += "($tmp and CategoryIDs contains '$ID')"
					} #End Foreach $ID in $CategoryIDs
				} #End If $CategoryIDs
					Write-Debug "Set pre search criteria: IsHidden = 1"
					$search += " and IsHidden = 1"	
				} #End If $IsNotHidden
					Write-Debug "Set pre search criteria: IsHidden = 1 and IsHidden = 0"
				} #End ElseIf $WithHidden
					Write-Debug "Set pre search criteria: IsHidden = 0"
					$search += " and IsHidden = 0"	
				} #End Else $WithHidden
				#Don't know why every update have RebootRequired=false which is not always true
					Write-Debug "Set pre search criteria: RebootRequired = 0"
					$search += " and RebootRequired = 0"	
				} #End If $IgnoreRebootRequired
			} #End Else $Criteria
			Write-Debug "Search criteria is: $search"
				Write-Output $search
			} #End If $ShowSearchCriteria
			$objResults = $objSearcher.Search($search)
		} #End Try
			If($_ -match "HRESULT: 0x80072EE2")
				Write-Warning "Probably you don't have connection to Windows Update server"
			} #End If $_ -match "HRESULT: 0x80072EE2"
		} #End Catch
		$objCollectionUpdate = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl" 
		$NumberOfUpdate = 1
		$UpdateCollection = @()
		$UpdatesExtraDataCollection = @{}
		$PreFoundUpdatesToDownload = $objResults.Updates.count
		Write-Verbose "Found [$PreFoundUpdatesToDownload] Updates in pre search criteria"				
            $RootCategoriesCollection = @()
            foreach($RootCategory in $RootCategories)
                switch ($RootCategory) 
                    "Critical Updates" {$CatID = 0} 
                    "Definition Updates"{$CatID = 1} 
                    "Drivers"{$CatID = 2} 
                    "Feature Packs"{$CatID = 3} 
                    "Security Updates"{$CatID = 4} 
                    "Service Packs"{$CatID = 5} 
                    "Tools"{$CatID = 6} 
                    "Update Rollups"{$CatID = 7} 
                    "Updates"{$CatID = 8} 
                    "Upgrades"{$CatID = 9} 
                    "Microsoft"{$CatID = 10} 
                } #End switch $RootCategory
                $RootCategoriesCollection += $objResults.RootCategories.item($CatID).Updates
            } #End foreach $RootCategory in $RootCategories
            $objResults = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{Updates = $RootCategoriesCollection}
        } #End if $RootCategories
		Foreach($Update in $objResults.Updates)
			$UpdateAccess = $true
			Write-Progress -Activity "Post search updates for $Computer" -Status "[$NumberOfUpdate/$PreFoundUpdatesToDownload] $($Update.Title) $size" -PercentComplete ([int]($NumberOfUpdate/$PreFoundUpdatesToDownload * 100))
			Write-Debug "Set post search criteria: $($Update.Title)"
			If($Category -ne "")
				$UpdateCategories = $Update.Categories | Select-Object Name
				Write-Debug "Set post search criteria: Categories = '$([string]::join(", ", $Category))'"	
				Foreach($Cat in $Category)
					If(!($UpdateCategories -match $Cat))
						Write-Debug "UpdateAccess: false"
						$UpdateAccess = $false
					} #End If !($UpdateCategories -match $Cat)
						$UpdateAccess = $true
					} #End Else !($UpdateCategories -match $Cat)
				} #End Foreach $Cat in $Category	
			} #End If $Category -ne ""
			If($NotCategory -ne "" -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true)
				$UpdateCategories = $Update.Categories | Select-Object Name
				Write-Debug "Set post search criteria: NotCategories = '$([string]::join(", ", $NotCategory))'"	
				Foreach($Cat in $NotCategory)
					If($UpdateCategories -match $Cat)
						Write-Debug "UpdateAccess: false"
						$UpdateAccess = $false
					} #End If $UpdateCategories -match $Cat
				} #End Foreach $Cat in $NotCategory	
			} #End If $NotCategory -ne "" -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true					
			If($KBArticleID -ne $null -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true)
				Write-Debug "Set post search criteria: KBArticleIDs = '$([string]::join(", ", $KBArticleID))'"
				If(!($KBArticleID -match $Update.KBArticleIDs -and "" -ne $Update.KBArticleIDs))
					Write-Debug "UpdateAccess: false"
					$UpdateAccess = $false
				} #End If !($KBArticleID -match $Update.KBArticleIDs)								
			} #End If $KBArticleID -ne $null -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true
			If($NotKBArticleID -ne $null -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true)
				Write-Debug "Set post search criteria: NotKBArticleIDs = '$([string]::join(", ", $NotKBArticleID))'"
				If($NotKBArticleID -match $Update.KBArticleIDs -and "" -ne $Update.KBArticleIDs)
					Write-Debug "UpdateAccess: false"
					$UpdateAccess = $false
				} #End If$NotKBArticleID -match $Update.KBArticleIDs -and "" -ne $Update.KBArticleIDs					
			} #End If $NotKBArticleID -ne $null -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true
			If($Title -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true)
				Write-Debug "Set post search criteria: Title = '$Title'"
				If($Update.Title -notmatch $Title)
					Write-Debug "UpdateAccess: false"
					$UpdateAccess = $false
				} #End If $Update.Title -notmatch $Title
			} #End If $Title -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true
			If($NotTitle -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true)
				Write-Debug "Set post search criteria: NotTitle = '$NotTitle'"
				If($Update.Title -match $NotTitle)
					Write-Debug "UpdateAccess: false"
					$UpdateAccess = $false
				} #End If $Update.Title -notmatch $NotTitle
			} #End If $NotTitle -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true
			If($Severity -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true)
				if($Severity -contains "Unspecified") { $Severity += "" } 
                Write-Debug "Set post search criteria: Severity = '$Severity'"
				If($Severity -notcontains [String]$Update.MsrcSeverity)
					Write-Debug "UpdateAccess: false"
					$UpdateAccess = $false
				} #End If $Severity -notcontains $Update.MsrcSeverity
			} #End If $Severity -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true
			If($NotSeverity -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true)
				if($NotSeverity -contains "Unspecified") { $NotSeverity += "" } 
                Write-Debug "Set post search criteria: NotSeverity = '$NotSeverity'"
				If($NotSeverity -contains [String]$Update.MsrcSeverity)
					Write-Debug "UpdateAccess: false"
					$UpdateAccess = $false
				} #End If $NotSeverity -contains $Update.MsrcSeverity
			} #End If $NotSeverity -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true
			If($MaxSize -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true)
                Write-Debug "Set post search criteria: MaxDownloadSize <= '$MaxSize'"
				If($MaxSize -le $Update.MaxDownloadSize)
				    Write-Debug "UpdateAccess: false"
				    $UpdateAccess = $false
			    } #End If $MaxSize -le $Update.MaxDownloadSize
		    } #End If $MaxSize -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true
			If($MinSize -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true)
                Write-Debug "Set post search criteria: MaxDownloadSize >= '$MinSize'"
			    If($MinSize -ge $Update.MaxDownloadSize)
			        Write-Debug "UpdateAccess: false"
			        $UpdateAccess = $false
			    } #End If $MinSize -ge $Update.MaxDownloadSize
			} #End If $MinSize -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true
			If($IgnoreUserInput -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true)
				Write-Debug "Set post search criteria: CanRequestUserInput"
				If($Update.InstallationBehavior.CanRequestUserInput -eq $true)
					Write-Debug "UpdateAccess: false"
					$UpdateAccess = $false
				} #End If $Update.InstallationBehavior.CanRequestUserInput -eq $true
			} #End If $IgnoreUserInput -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true
			If($IgnoreRebootRequired -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true) 
				Write-Debug "Set post search criteria: RebootBehavior"
				If($Update.InstallationBehavior.RebootBehavior -ne 0)
					Write-Debug "UpdateAccess: false"
					$UpdateAccess = $false
				} #End If $Update.InstallationBehavior.RebootBehavior -ne 0	
			} #End If $IgnoreRebootRequired -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true
			If($UpdateAccess -eq $true)
				Write-Debug "Convert size"
					{[System.Math]::Round($_/1KB,0) -lt 1024} { $size = [String]([System.Math]::Round($_/1KB,0))+" KB"; break }
					{[System.Math]::Round($_/1MB,0) -lt 1024} { $size = [String]([System.Math]::Round($_/1MB,0))+" MB"; break }  
					{[System.Math]::Round($_/1GB,0) -lt 1024} { $size = [String]([System.Math]::Round($_/1GB,0))+" GB"; break }    
					{[System.Math]::Round($_/1TB,0) -lt 1024} { $size = [String]([System.Math]::Round($_/1TB,0))+" TB"; break }
					default { $size = $_+"B" }
				} #End Switch
				Write-Debug "Convert KBArticleIDs"
				If($Update.KBArticleIDs -ne "")    
					$KB = "KB"+$Update.KBArticleIDs
				} #End If $Update.KBArticleIDs -ne ""
					$KB = ""
				} #End Else $Update.KBArticleIDs -ne ""
					$Status = ""
					If($Update.IsDownloaded)    {$Status += "D"} else {$status += "-"}
					If($Update.IsInstalled)     {$Status += "I"} else {$status += "-"}
					If($Update.IsMandatory)     {$Status += "M"} else {$status += "-"}
					If($Update.IsHidden)        {$Status += "H"} else {$status += "-"}
					If($Update.IsUninstallable) {$Status += "U"} else {$status += "-"}
					If($Update.IsBeta)          {$Status += "B"} else {$status += "-"} 
					Add-Member -InputObject $Update -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ComputerName -Value $env:COMPUTERNAME
					Add-Member -InputObject $Update -MemberType NoteProperty -Name KB -Value $KB
					Add-Member -InputObject $Update -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Size -Value $size
					Add-Member -InputObject $Update -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Status -Value $Status
					Add-Member -InputObject $Update -MemberType NoteProperty -Name X -Value 1
					$UpdateCollection += $Update
				} #End If $ListOnly
					$objCollectionUpdate.Add($Update) | Out-Null
					$UpdatesExtraDataCollection.Add($Update.Identity.UpdateID,@{KB = $KB; Size = $size})
				} #End Else $ListOnly
			} #End If $UpdateAccess -eq $true
		} #End Foreach $Update in $objResults.Updates				
		Write-Progress -Activity "[1/$NumberOfStage] Post search updates" -Status "Completed" -Completed
			$FoundUpdatesToDownload = $UpdateCollection.count
		} #End If $ListOnly
			$FoundUpdatesToDownload = $objCollectionUpdate.count				
		} #End Else $ListOnly
		Write-Verbose "Found [$FoundUpdatesToDownload] Updates in post search criteria"
		If($FoundUpdatesToDownload -eq 0)
		} #End If $FoundUpdatesToDownload -eq 0
			Write-Debug "Return only list of updates"
			Return $UpdateCollection				
		} #End If $ListOnly
		# End STAGE 1: Get updates list #
			#region	STAGE 2
			# Start STAGE 2: Choose updates #
			Write-Debug "STAGE 2: Choose updates"			
			$NumberOfUpdate = 1
			$logCollection = @()
			$objCollectionChoose = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl"
			Foreach($Update in $objCollectionUpdate)
				$size = $UpdatesExtraDataCollection[$Update.Identity.UpdateID].Size
				Write-Progress -Activity "[2/$NumberOfStage] Choose updates" -Status "[$NumberOfUpdate/$FoundUpdatesToDownload] $($Update.Title) $size" -PercentComplete ([int]($NumberOfUpdate/$FoundUpdatesToDownload * 100))
				Write-Debug "Show update to accept: $($Update.Title)"
					$Status = "Accepted"
					If($Update.EulaAccepted -eq 0)
						Write-Debug "Accept Eula"
					} #End If $Update.EulaAccepted -eq 0
					Write-Debug "Add update to collection"
					$objCollectionChoose.Add($Update) | Out-Null
				} #End If $AcceptAll
						$Status = "Accepted"  
						If($Update.EulaAccepted -eq 0)  
							Write-Debug "Accept Eula"  
						} #End If $Update.EulaAccepted -eq 0  
						Write-Debug "Add update to collection"  
						$objCollectionChoose.Add($Update) | Out-Null  
					} #End If $Update.AutoSelectOnWebsites 
						$Status = "Rejected"  
					} #End Else $Update.AutoSelectOnWebsites
				} #End ElseIf $AutoSelectOnly
						$Status = "Accepted"
						If($Update.EulaAccepted -eq 0)
							Write-Debug "Accept Eula"
						} #End If $Update.EulaAccepted -eq 0
						Write-Debug "Add update to collection"
						$objCollectionChoose.Add($Update) | Out-Null 
					} #End If $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Env:COMPUTERNAME,"$($Update.Title)[$size]?")
						$Status = "Rejected"
					} #End Else $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Env:COMPUTERNAME,"$($Update.Title)[$size]?")
				} #End Else $AutoSelectOnly
				Write-Debug "Add to log collection"
				$log = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
					Title = $Update.Title
					KB = $UpdatesExtraDataCollection[$Update.Identity.UpdateID].KB
					Size = $UpdatesExtraDataCollection[$Update.Identity.UpdateID].Size
					Status = $Status
					X = 2
				} #End PSObject Property
				$logCollection += $log
			} #End Foreach $Update in $objCollectionUpdate
			Write-Progress -Activity "[2/$NumberOfStage] Choose updates" -Status "Completed" -Completed
			Write-Debug "Show log collection"
			$AcceptUpdatesToDownload = $objCollectionChoose.count
			Write-Verbose "Accept [$AcceptUpdatesToDownload] Updates to Download"
			If($AcceptUpdatesToDownload -eq 0)
			} #End If $AcceptUpdatesToDownload -eq 0	
			# End STAGE 2: Choose updates #
			#region STAGE 3
			# Start STAGE 3: Download updates #
			Write-Debug "STAGE 3: Download updates"
			$NumberOfUpdate = 1
			$objCollectionDownload = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl" 
			Foreach($Update in $objCollectionChoose)
				Write-Progress -Activity "[3/$NumberOfStage] Downloading updates" -Status "[$NumberOfUpdate/$AcceptUpdatesToDownload] $($Update.Title) $size" -PercentComplete ([int]($NumberOfUpdate/$AcceptUpdatesToDownload * 100))
				Write-Debug "Show update to download: $($Update.Title)"
				Write-Debug "Send update to download collection"
				$objCollectionTmp = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl"
				$objCollectionTmp.Add($Update) | Out-Null
				$Downloader = $objSession.CreateUpdateDownloader() 
				$Downloader.Updates = $objCollectionTmp
					Write-Debug "Try download update"
					$DownloadResult = $Downloader.Download()
				} #End Try
					If($_ -match "HRESULT: 0x80240044")
						Write-Warning "Your security policy don't allow a non-administator identity to perform this task"
					} #End If $_ -match "HRESULT: 0x80240044"
				} #End Catch 
				Write-Debug "Check ResultCode"
				Switch -exact ($DownloadResult.ResultCode)
					0   { $Status = "NotStarted" }
					1   { $Status = "InProgress" }
					2   { $Status = "Downloaded" }
					3   { $Status = "DownloadedWithErrors" }
					4   { $Status = "Failed" }
					5   { $Status = "Aborted" }
				} #End Switch
				Write-Debug "Add to log collection"
				$log = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
					Title = $Update.Title
					KB = $UpdatesExtraDataCollection[$Update.Identity.UpdateID].KB
					Size = $UpdatesExtraDataCollection[$Update.Identity.UpdateID].Size
					Status = $Status
					X = 3
				} #End PSObject Property
				If($DownloadResult.ResultCode -eq 2)
					Write-Debug "Downloaded then send update to next stage"
					$objCollectionDownload.Add($Update) | Out-Null
				} #End If $DownloadResult.ResultCode -eq 2
			} #End Foreach $Update in $objCollectionChoose
			Write-Progress -Activity "[3/$NumberOfStage] Downloading updates" -Status "Completed" -Completed
			$ReadyUpdatesToInstall = $objCollectionDownload.count
			Write-Verbose "Downloaded [$ReadyUpdatesToInstall] Updates to Install"
			If($ReadyUpdatesToInstall -eq 0)
			} #End If $ReadyUpdatesToInstall -eq 0
			# End STAGE 3: Download updates #
				#region	STAGE 4
				# Start STAGE 4: Install updates #
				Write-Debug "STAGE 4: Install updates"
				$NeedsReboot = $false
				$NumberOfUpdate = 1
				#install updates	
				Foreach($Update in $objCollectionDownload)
					Write-Progress -Activity "[4/$NumberOfStage] Installing updates" -Status "[$NumberOfUpdate/$ReadyUpdatesToInstall] $($Update.Title)" -PercentComplete ([int]($NumberOfUpdate/$ReadyUpdatesToInstall * 100))
					Write-Debug "Show update to install: $($Update.Title)"
					Write-Debug "Send update to install collection"
					$objCollectionTmp = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl"
					$objCollectionTmp.Add($Update) | Out-Null
					$objInstaller = $objSession.CreateUpdateInstaller()
					$objInstaller.Updates = $objCollectionTmp
						Write-Debug "Try install update"
						$InstallResult = $objInstaller.Install()
					} #End Try
						If($_ -match "HRESULT: 0x80240044")
							Write-Warning "Your security policy don't allow a non-administator identity to perform this task"
						} #End If $_ -match "HRESULT: 0x80240044"
					} #End Catch
						Write-Debug "Set instalation status RebootRequired"
						$NeedsReboot = $installResult.RebootRequired 
					} #End If !$NeedsReboot
					Switch -exact ($InstallResult.ResultCode)
						0   { $Status = "NotStarted"}
						1   { $Status = "InProgress"}
						2   { $Status = "Installed"}
						3   { $Status = "InstalledWithErrors"}
						4   { $Status = "Failed"}
						5   { $Status = "Aborted"}
					} #End Switch
					Write-Debug "Add to log collection"
					$log = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
						Title = $Update.Title
						KB = $UpdatesExtraDataCollection[$Update.Identity.UpdateID].KB
						Size = $UpdatesExtraDataCollection[$Update.Identity.UpdateID].Size
						Status = $Status
						X = 4
					} #End PSObject Property
				} #End Foreach $Update in $objCollectionDownload
				Write-Progress -Activity "[4/$NumberOfStage] Installing updates" -Status "Completed" -Completed
						Restart-Computer -Force
					} #End If $AutoReboot
						Return "Reboot is required, but do it manually."
					} #End Else $AutoReboot If $IgnoreReboot
						$Reboot = Read-Host "Reboot is required. Do it now ? [Y/N]"
						If($Reboot -eq "Y")
							Restart-Computer -Force
						} #End If $Reboot -eq "Y"
					} #End Else $IgnoreReboot	
				} #End If $NeedsReboot
				# End STAGE 4: Install updates #
			} #End If !$DownloadOnly
		} #End !$ListOnly
	} #End Process
} #In The End :)
Get-WUInstall -AcceptAll -IgnoreReboot