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Daily job to monitor Symantec Backup Exec and report errors


Import-Module $env:SyncroModule
# this depends on bemcli being installed!
#Setting default CLI
import-module bemcli
#Getting Alerts
$Alerts = Get-BEAlert
#Looping through the alerts and setting them.
foreach($Alert in $Alerts){
    write-host "Alert: $Alert.Message"
  switch ($Alert.Category)
    {JobWarning{$JobWarning = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)" }
    JobFailure{$JobFailure = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)"}
    JobCancellation{$JobCancellation = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)" }
    CatalogError{$CatalogError = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)"}
    SoftwareUpdateWarning{$SoftwareUpdateWarning = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)"}
    SoftwareUpdateError{$SoftwareUpdateError = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)" }
    DatabaseMaintenanceFailure{$DatabaseMaintenanceFailure = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)"}
    IdrCopyFailed{$IdrCopyFailed = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)"}
    BackupJobContainsNoData{$BackupJobContainsNoData = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)" }
    JobCompletedWithExceptions{$JobCompletedWithExceptions = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)"}
    JobStart{$JobStart = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)"}
    ServiceStart{$ServiceStart = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)"}
    ServiceStop{$ServiceStop = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)"}
    DeviceError{$DeviceError = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)"}
    DeviceWarning{$DeviceWarning = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)"}
    DeviceIntervention{$DeviceIntervention = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)"}
    MediaError{$MediaError = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)"}
    MediaWarning{$MediaWarning = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)" }
    MediaIntervention{$MediaIntervention = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)"}
    MediaInsert{$MediaInsert = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)"}
    MediaOverwrite{$MediaOverwrite = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)"}
    MediaRemove{$MediaRemove = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)"}
    LibraryInsert{$LibraryInsert = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)"}
    TapeAlertWarning{$TapeAlertWarning = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)"}
    TapeAlertError{$TapeAlertError = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)" }
    IdrFullBackupSuccessWarning{$IdrFullBackupSuccessWarning = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)"}
    LicenseAndMaintenanceWarning{$LicenseAndMaintenanceWarning = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)"}
    default{$OtherErr = "TRUE - $($Alert.Message)" }
  Rmm-Alert -Category "backup_exec_job_failure" -Body "BackupExec says a job failed $JobFailure"
} elsif ($JobCancellation){
  Rmm-Alert -Category "backup_exec_job_cancellation" -Body "BackupExec says a job was cancelled $JobCancellation"
} elsif ($DatabaseMaintenanceFailure) {
  Rmm-Alert -Category "backup_exec_maintenance" -Body "BackupExec says DB Maintenance had issue $DatabaseMaintenanceFailure"