Required Files: None
Monitors Dell RAID issues via the Open Manage command line tool. This is a BETA and could use help from the community to improve.
Import-Module $env:SyncroModule try { omconfig preferences cdvformat delimiter=comma $OmReport = omreport storage pdisk controller=0 -fmt cdv | select-string -SimpleMatch "ID,Status" -Context 0,5000 } catch { $ScriptError = "omreport Command has Failed: $($_.Exception.Message)" exit } $Parray = convertfrom-csv $OmReport -Delimiter "," foreach($PhysicalDisk in $Parray){ if($($PhysicalDisk.State) -ne "Online" -or $($PhysicalDisk.Status) -ne "Ok") { $DiskStatus += "$($PhysicalDisk.Name) / $($PhysicalDisk.'Serial No.') Has Status $($PhysicalDisk.Status) / $($PhysicalDisk.State)`n" } if($($PhysicalDisk.'Failure Predicted') -eq "Yes"){ $DiskStatus += "$($PhysicalDisk.Name) / $($PhysicalDisk.'Serial No.') Has a predicted failure error `n" } } if(!$DiskStatus){ $DiskStatus = "Healthy" } else { Rmm-Alert -Category 'dell_raid' -Body $DiskStatus } if(!$ScriptError){ $ScriptError = "Healthy" } else { Rmm-Alert -Category 'dell_script_error' -Body $ScriptError } |